Transformation is an inside job.
Bodhi Biz
Coaching & Consulting01. Presence
Presence is more than a physical aspect. Presence is a palpable energy. It frames not only who it is you are being when you show up (happy, sad, contemplative) but also when you show up. In other words, you may have had an argument with a friend before a meeting. Thus potentially you are present at that meeting in an upset state of mind – meaning, your presence is still in what happened before, not in what is happening now.
02. Perspective
Perspective doesn’t change what we see, but influences us in how we see it. Our presence, that is who we are being and where we are being, is the lens by which we bring in our reality. Reality is our personal experience of life – thus our perspective is the greatest influence of that experience.
03. Power
Power is not the control of one’s destiny, for such control does not exist as what we would seek to control is but an illusion. The concept of destiny is that a power outside of ourselves maneuvers our fate – and with absolute belief comes an abdication of responsibility for one’s choices and living life stranded between the tides of fear and hope. The illusion is not the belief in power, but where it resides. How we use it, for ourselves or against, is a reflection how we perceive ourselves. Are we hero or victim, leader or follower, teacher or student?
The illusion that doesn’t lie.
We think reality is our focus, but in truth, our focus is our reality. The world does not exist around us but within us.
We are designed to be thinking and feeling beings, experiencing the world through our senses. But the world that we see, hear, smell, and touch is not the reality to which we respond. The world we believe we live in is the world we create with our minds. The sun, the sky, our cities and wilderness, the people around us both loved and feared – none has any shape in this world within but that which we grant them. We give them their importance and influence in our lives with our beliefs, their weight, and color with our emotions. They exist outside of us; we cannot know them as they are, we can only know them as we are. Creating effigies by mixing memory and emotion, that we might play out our expectations. For the identity that we give anything is but a bridge that we build between perception and the reflecting pools of our inner state. And in our naming, we draw the vastness of our consciousness into this singular focus and cast our relevance into that reflection. And there lies our reality, the mirror in which we search for the meaning of us in the eddies of thought and currents of emotions we let play upon its surface. And while we may judge ourselves and others by our acts of creation, we are in all our forms, the muse of a greater consciousness, the medium through which the universe expands.
To flourish is an intentional act. A choice we make to place our attention on our environment in healthy ways that foster our growth.
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